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Help Moving Office: The Real Cost Of Moving

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

Anything that is not moving stands still. When progress brings about growth, it often necessitates changes to the way we do things or the manner in which we do them. When change is healthy it allows us to move in positive directions, but transitions can become nightmares- unless details are planned out in advance.

Occasionally businesses experience their worst slumps right after a period of growth. Why? Because growth demands change. The business may require building expansion or moving to a larger facility, up-dating telephone systems, or procurement of office furniture or other data systems. In order to ensure office efficiency, managing the physical growth of the business must be given the same attention as managing the growth in other areas of operation.

Photo by Chris Lawton

The Real Cost Of Moving Your Business From One Location To Another

Before you answer this question, think beyond the service estimates or movers' quotations. Consider the costs of doing business: keeping workers working and keeping clients happy....

Richard Abbott spent his weekend "at the office." His growing mortgage company had outgrown its space and moved to a more comfortable building. Richard spent weeks, planning, organizing and packing only to find himself sweating all weekend, trying to take care of details that had been overlooked.

The bottom line was disastrous. Phone lines were not ready for business on Monday (or Tuesday, or Wednesday...), the moving company's final bill far exceeded its original estimate, and electricians worked frantically (at premium rates) to provide outlets at key computer locations. The loss of revenue from the downtime and the hidden costs of the move were enough to give Richard an ulcer, and he had yet to explain this situation to his board of directors.

Across the street a similar-sized business moved into similar floorspace. Katherine Harvard checked in periodically to observe a smooth-flowing transition. Katherine's publishing company also needed room to accommodate successful growth. Katherine, a busy publisher, needed the security of knowing this move was strategically choreographed, because printers' deadlines have little room for tardy publications.

Katherine, a top-notch publisher, was the first to admit that she's no expert in facilities or logistics. Six months before, Katherine consulted with a move planner to evaluate her situation. They considered spatial needs, worked with an ethical real estate broker, drew up plans for space allocations and installed appropriate electrical outlets. She chose a great phone system and knew to have the old lines forwarded to the new phone numbers. Her furniture came in under budget, because she was able to secure refurbished items for many areas of the company, although she selected showpieces for key traffic areas. Katherine's efforts served her well.

Executives must regularly assess the way they spend their time.

Executives must identify the necessary tasks and those tasks that can be delegated to others. Executives cannot afford to micro-manage facility projects; their talents are needed elsewhere. However, he or she can't leave the important details to chance. The project manager should help the company executive to see the big picture, while the consultant micro-manages the details.

A good manager plans out every project with logic behind every decision made, then he or she selects those most capable of executing the tasks to perform them. The bottom line is that the company's profits are positively affected, the manager looks like a hero, and the manager enjoys personal time enabling him or her to face the next day with a positive attitude.


New Cultures

In today's business climate many executives face down-sizing, hiring freezes and budget limitations. Outsourcing has become the pinch-hitter that has saved high-pressure situations. Outsourcing allows temporary expenditures, rather than long-term financial commitments; it allows for niche specialists to tackle difficult tasks, and it allows a company to benefit from the resources (personal contacts, bulk pricing, insider knowledge) of the contractors hired for a given project.

In the current trend of outsourcing services, many companies are discovering the benefits of bringing in experts to manage critical projects. The cost of moving a business is important enough to warrant professional attention to the job. Companies such as Trendzitions, of Lake Forest, CA, have emerged to satisfy the need for "experts in transition."

In addition to supervising the physical move, Chris Tooker, President & CEO of Trendzitions, (whose business takes pride upon repeat customers and personal referrals) knows that too often people under budget the real costs of moving. An ethical consultant brings objectivity to the job of moving or expanding. Whether moving across the street or across the country, experts can identify the hidden costs and ensure that reliable subcontractors are selected to fill each need.

Trendzitions offers stress-relieving answers to executives' questions, with most inquiries addressing the following issues:

• Project and Move Management

From selecting the right broker, to evaluating leasing agreements, to coordinating in-house planning, to overseeing movers expertise; long-term knowledge of key players in the industry, and high productivity standards produce cost savings for clients.

• Real Estate & Construction Management

The consultant can supervise the selection of architects, engineers and construction personnel. Expertise in facilities construction and personal experience with "hired help" eliminates surprises and nightmares.

• Communications Consulting

Eliminate downtime and disruption while you upgrade to those features that appeal to your business needs. A consultant knows what is available and what's up-and-coming. From carriers to headsets, the right choices increase employee comfort and efficiency.

• Furniture Consulting

Eliminating the egos and the personal biases, a consultant can identify the true needs for furniture and equipment. Selections can be made to accommodate all needs, without compromising style and appeal. Long-term relationships with sellers allow for "bulk" purchasing strategies.

Before entering into an agreement with any consultant, however, consider carefully the individual's qualifications. While consulting businesses are cropping up to meet the needs of today's executives, beware of the in-between-jobs "consultant." Check that anyone you interview is legitimate and committed. Ask about track record with jobs of similar size. Check references to evaluate integrity and honesty. Many consulting firms offer free consultations to executives considering changes to their businesses. In the bidding process the consultant can discuss ways and means to achieve your goals.

With proper planning and staffing, moving doesn't have to be a nightmare. Done right, change is for the better!

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